Exam Regulation

  • Proof of student status is obligatory for exams.
  • Proof of student status is checked at the beginning of an exam by invigilators and course instructors.
  • Co-operation, conversation and any exchange of objects between students are prohibited.
  • Entrance into exam rooms after the beginning and during an exam is forbidden.
  • Students are required to comply with the invigilators’ instructions regarding their arrangement in the exam room.
  • Use of any kind of help (books, notes, etc.), except those explicitly permitted by the course instructor, is forbidden.
  • Mobile phones are switched off and cannot be used as calculators.
  • Exam subject sheets are handed in with answers sheets, unless the course instructor has decided otherwise.
  • Students can leave exam rooms only for emergency reasons and under the permission of the instructor.
  • The minimum number of students left at the end of an exam is two.
  • Internet access may be restricted during exams.
  • The General Assembly of the department decides on penalties, in cases of cheating or violating the above regulations.