Quality Assurance Policy
The Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE) aims to become an internationally recognized academic unit, with qualified graduates, major research achievements in the fields of Electrical and Computer Engineering, as well as societal contribution. Therefore, with a view of achieving excellence and ensuring high quality, a specific quality assurance policy has been designed and adopted according to which the Department:
- provides high quality education in the fields of Electrical and Computer Engineering
- cultivates a creative and innovative way of thinking among students
- seeks quality assurance at all levels of the Department’s operation
- encourages and facilitates staff qualifications acquisition
- pursues the link between the curriculum, research, as well as up-to-date technological advances
- caters for an up-to-date curriculum and qualified graduates in accordance with current educational and work requirements
- seeks liaison and synergies with the local community
- conducts basic and applied high-level research
- complies with the Quality Assurance Policy of the University of Western Macedonia, conducting an internal evaluation of the Curriculum annually and an external one every four years
- ensures an appropriate working environment enabling the staff to produce knowledge that will benefit the academic community, society and industry
During planning, the goals and the intended results are defined, as well as the methodology to be followed. In the implementation, there is an attempt to apply what has been set out in the previous phase, while during evaluation, the results and objectives achieved are recorded. Finally, the effectiveness of the chosen implementation process and the degree of implementation of the original objectives are checked, any potential weaknesses and failures are identified, while improvements are proposed as well. This step leads again to the initial design phase and repeats the entire cycle. ECE's Quality Policy aims to create and maintain the appropriate conditions for supporting and upgrading the core activities of the Department, namely teaching, education, research, interconnection with society and the application of specialized knowledge and experience. Specifically, ECE's Quality Policy aims to develop the appropriate framework for the implementation of an efficient and effective quality management system, with rules and procedures focusing on the following:
- cultivating and developing a culture of excellence among Academic, Administrative, Lab / Technical staff and students
- promoting and implementing a series of measures to ensure and enhance quality at all levels, i.e.,education, research, administration
- maintaining a high standard and continually improving the quality of teaching
- equipping ECE students with the knowledge and qualifications necessary to pursue a career as electrical and computer engineers
- achieving liaison and synergies with the local community and qualifying graduates in accordance to labour market demands
- enhancing research output and rewarding excellence
- fostering partnerships / synergies with other Departments, Institutions, bodies and Industries
- adapting to international trends and modern developments in the fields of Electrical and Computer Engineering
- complying with the UoWM Quality Policy, relevant national legislation, as well as international quality trends and standards
- ensuring student participation in all relevant activities
- promoting creative collaboration between the Department members and the Institution Quality Assurance Unit (MODIP), as well as the timely submission of annual internal evaluation reports
- recruiting highly qualified (tenure, non-tenure) staff