

Course Code: ΜΚH3
Course Level: Undergratuate
Obligatory/Elective: Obligatory
Semester: 1
Division: Main Course
Group: Main Course
ECTS Credits: 4
Hours Per Week: 4
Language: Greek
  • Interactions and Motion 
  • The Momentum Principle and Impulse 
  • The Fundamental Interactions 
  • Contact Interactions 
  • Determining Motion from Forces 
  • Determining Forces from Motion 
  • The Energy Principle and Work 
  • Translational, Rotational, and Vibrational Energy 
  • Gravity 
  • Oscillations 
  • Collisions 
  • Angular Momentum, Torque and Rigid Body Dynamics Waves
Learning Outcomes:
  • Deduce from observations of an object’s motion whether or not it has interacted with its surroundings. 
  • Mathematically describe position, motion, momentum and change of momentum in three dimensions. 
  • Read and modify a simple computational model of motion at constant velocity. 
  • Use both iterative and analytical techniques (differential equations solving) to predict the future motion of a system that is subjected to a constant or varying net force. 
  • Use an iterative approach to predict the future momentum and motion of an object that is subjected to a varying net force when it cannot be solved analytically. 
  • Draw and interpret graphs of the components of position or velocity vs. time. Calculate the force exerted by a spring on an object in contact with it.
  • Calculate the approximate gravitational force on an object near the Earth’s surface. 
  • Calculate the 3D gravitational or electric force exerted on a system by objects in its surroundings. 
  • Iteratively predict the motion of an object that interacts gravitationally or electrically with its surroundings, by hand or with a computer. 
  • Analyze simple collisions by applying the Momentum Principle to a system of more than one particle. 
  • Using the ball–spring model, explain in words how an inanimate object can exert a force on an object that touches it. 
  • Mathematically describe the motion of an object that interacts with a spring, both analytically and computationally (iteratively). 
  • Identify systematically all the forces acting on a system. 
  • Determine the values of unknown 3D forces acting on a system whose motion is known. 
  • Analyze curving motion mathematically, and relate parallel and perpendicular components of dp/dt to the net force acting on the system. 
  • Calculate the total energy (rest energy + kinetic energy) of a single particle system. 
  • Calculate the total energy of a multiparticle system (rest energy, kinetic energy, and gravitational and electric potential energy). 
  • Mathematically relate changes in energy of a system to the work done by the surroundings. 
  • Analyze in detail processes involving changes in potential energy, kinetic energy, and rest energy. 
  • Construct and interpret graphs of multiparticle system energy as a


Teaching Methods:
Methods Description Semester Workload
Lectures 26
Tutorials 26
Study 32
Projects 13
Exams 3
Total 100

Evaluation takes place in Greek and if need in English by final
written examination on four problems.
Optionally the students can build up their grade by taking
part in a midterm examination (multiple choice test) and by
submitting two VPython projects.

Samples of examination items are posted on eclass and e-
assessment platforms.

Suggested Books:

- Recommended Book Resources:
1) Physics for scientists and engineers, RAYMOND A. SERWAY, JOHN W. JEWETT
2) University Physics, Young H., Freedman R.
3) Basic Principles of Physics, R. SHANKAR
4) Matter and Interactions, RUTH W. CHABAY, BRUCE A. SHERWOOD
- Recommended Article/Paper Resources:
1) The Physics Teacher (published by AIP on behalf of the AAPT)
2) American Journal of Physics (published by AIP on behalf of the AAPT)
3) European Journal of Physics (published by IOP on behalf of the EPS)
- Recommended Websites and YouTube channels:
2) Let’s Code Physics
3) Physics Explained

Lecturer: Fillipidis Konstantinos

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