Heat Transfer

Heat Transfer

Course Code: ΕΕΗ4
Course Level: Undergratuate
Obligatory/Elective: Elective
Semester: 7
Division: Division of Energy
Group: Group A
ECTS Credits: 5
Hours Per Week: 4
Website: eclass.uowm.gr/courses/HMMY122/
Language: Greek/English

The Heat Transfer course consists of the following sections:
• Introduction to heat transfer mechanisms
• Heat transfer with conduction, conduction equation,
thermal resistance
• Heat transfer with convection, boundary layers, flow types
• Extending surfaces / fins, performance, optimization
• Heat exchangers, heat permeability, energy balance,
temperature difference
• Transient phenomena – concentrated capacity,
temperature / space ratio, Heisler chart
• Heat transfer via radiation – black body, zone and surface
emission, Kirchoff’s law, thermal radiation transaction

Learning Outcomes:

After the successful completion of the Heat Transfer course the
student would be able to:
• Comprehend and explain the basic heat transfer
• Develop the specific characteristics of the heat transfer
mechanisms as well as compare the heat transfer mechanisms
• Comprehend and analyze the operation and the specific
characteristics of heat exchangers
• Calculate heat transfer parameters in typical problems with
heat transfer phenomena
• Comprehend and describe transient conduction



Teaching Methods:



• Students’ assessment will be performed via written examination process at the end of the Semester (80 %) as well as via individual projects (20 %) which will be assigned to the students during the Semester.

• Both exams and projects consist of questions examining
various heat transfer topics.

Suggested Books:

1. Bergman T. L., and Lavine A. S., Fundamentals of Heat and
Mass Transfer, 8th ed. John Wiley & Sons., 2017.
2. Çengel Y. A. and Ghajar A. J., Heat and Mass Transfer:
Fundamentals and Applications, Mc Graw - Hill Education,
3. Lienhard IV J., H. and Lienhard V J., H., A Heat Transfer
Textbook, Phlogiston Press Cambridge - Massachusetts,
4. Pitts D. R. and Sissom L. E., Theory and Problems of Heat
Transfer, Schaum' s Outline Series, McGraw-Hill, 1998.
5. Çengel Y. A. and Boles M. A., Thermodynamics—An
Engineering Approach, 8th ed. New York: McGraw-Hill,
- Recommended Article/Paper RECOMMENDED BIBLIOGRAPHY:
• Applied thermal Engineering, Elsevier
• Journal of Thermal Engineering, Springer
• International Journal of Refrigeration, Elsevier

Lecturer: Florini Nikoletta

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