The Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering is housed in the ZEP at the southwestern entrance of Kozani. The following infrastructures exist and operate in the Department:
- Lecture Rooms
- Wellness rooms
- Auditoriums
- Library
- Department Administration Service
- Informatics
The Department Facilities involve:
- Renewable Energy Sources.
- Industrial Electrical Installations.
- Laboratory of Networks and Advanced Services.
- Internal Electrical Installations.
- Generation,Transmission and Distribution of Electric Power.
- Digital Signals and Computer Architecture.
- Personal Computers Labs (4).
- Electric Machines.
- DigitalHealth and BiomedicalEngineering.
- Power Electronics and Electric Propulsion Systems.
- Laboratory of Electrical Circuits and Electrotechnics.
- Electricity Systems.
- Telecommunications.
- Robotics, Embedded and Integrated Systems.
- Intelligent Systems & Optimization Laboratory.
- Electrical Measurements.
- Automated Control Systems.
- Laboratory of Nuclear Measurements.
- Laboratory of Solar Air Conditioning.
- Microcomputers and PC Networks.
The rest of our Department's facilities are:
- Offices of faculty members, members of the HQ and HQEs.