

Course Code: E2
Course Level: Undergratuate
Obligatory/Elective: Elective
Semester: 7
Division: Division of Computers
Group: Group A
ECTS Credits: 5
Hours Per Week: 4
Website: eclass.uowm.gr/courses/ICTE128/
Language: Greek

Introduction to e-Health. Definition & value of e-Health. Main research and policy issues related to the application of informatics in medical care. Overview of basic tools, e.g. electronic patient records and decision support systems. Management of medical data. Web-based medical care. Online supply and demand of medical information. Medical consultation through internet (like e-therapy) and p2p virtual medical societies. The usage of search engines and internet in clinical trials. eHealth services and applications. Mobile and wireless communication in healthcare. Privacy and confidentiality in healthcare. Ethical issues.

Learning Outcomes:

The goal of this module is the students to become familiar with the growing area of e-Health, which is the application of informatics and telecommunications to support prevention, treatment and care quality. Due to the multi-disciplinary character of this module, students are exposed to information from different scientific areas, such as biology and medicine and the use of advanced laboratory equipment and software. During the semester novel approaches in the area of e-Helath are analyzed, such as e-wellness, independent living, Health 2.0, mhealth apps.



Teaching Methods:

2 hr teaching and 2 hr laboratory exercises


30% final exams, 30% lab exams, 40% semester project

Suggested Books:
  • ΠΑΝΤΕΛΗΣ ΑΓΓΕΛΙΔΗΣ, Ιατρική Πληροφορική τόμος Α, "σοφία", 2011.
  • Αθηνά Λαζακίδου, Προηγμένα Συστήματα και Υπηρεσίες Πληροφορικής στο Χώρο της Υγείας, ΑΘΗΝΑ ΛΑΖΑΚΙΔΟΥ, 2009.
Lecturer: Angelidis Pantelis

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