Models and Tools for Enhancing the Resistance and the Resilience to Wildfire in Natural Protected Areas and Wildland-Urban Interfaces (RES2FIRE)
Short description including project aims and results: RES2FIRE aims to create fire hazard maps, to identify the type of fire and the means needed to extinguish it, to determine the severity of damage and the resilience capacity of damaged areas, and to identify forestry models capable of increasing the resilience of ecosystems to fire. Finally, a webGIS decision support tool will be developed to assess fire risk and the most appropriate forest management techniques. With the collaboration of 9 partners from 7 countries, the project promotes transnational cooperation, the development of innovative solutions for fire management and resilience to climate change. The outputs of the project are: (i) Methodology for mapping Fire Hazard and Fire Risk in a changing climate; (ii) RES2FIRE Network; (iii) 4 Pilot actions on fuel treatment and sustainable management of forests and wildland-urban interfaces; (iv) 4 Jointly developed solutions to identify close-to-nature silvicultural models for reducing fire risk; (v) Model for wildfire damage and resilience assessment;(vi) RES2FIRE WebGIS tool for fire risk assessment, mitigation and climate change adaptation; (vii) Action plan for transferring measures addressed to wildfire risk prevention, mitigation and Climate Change adaptation. Funded by Interreg VI-B IPA Adriatic Ionian Programme Budget: €1,208,722.68 Project duration: 1/7/2024 – 30/6/2027 Scientific Coordinator: Prof. Malamati Louta Website: https://res2fire.interreg-ipa-adrion.eu/