An interregional cooperation project for improving SME competitiveness policies. SKILLS+ aims at advancing public policies promoting information and communication technologies (ICT) skills among SMEs in rural areas helping them seize fully the opportunities offered by a digital single market and benefits of a digital economy. The project is co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund and Norwegian national funding through the INTERREG EUROPE programme. The project together twelve partners from Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Finland, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Latvia, Norway, Poland and Spain. PARTNER ORGANIZATIONS AND REGIONS Ministry for Regional Development and Transport of SaxonyAnhalt, GERMANY Kainuun Etu Ltd., FINLAND Ministry of Environmental Protection and Regional Development of the Republic of LATVIA University of Western Macedonia, GREECE Malopolska Regional Development Agency, POLAND Trøndelag County Authority, NORWAY Zadar County Rural Development Agency, CROATIA Bulgarian Chamber of Commerce and Industry, BULGARIA Castilla y León Regional Government Regional Ministry for Culture and Tourism, SPAIN Pannon Novum WestTransdanubian Regional Innovation Nonprofit Ltd., HUNGARY Technical University of Ostrava, CZECH REPUBLIC BUDGET € 2,432,162.00 URL link to skills+