Τσίπουρας Μάρκος




  • Πτυχίο από το Τμήμα Πληροφορικής του Πανεπιστημίου Ιωαννίνων το 1999
  • Μεταπτυχιακό δίπλωμα ειδίκευσης στην Πληροφορική το 2002
  • Διδακτορικό δίπλωμα στην Πληροφορική το 2008, από το ίδιο τμήμα.


  • Βιοϊατρική πληροφορική και τεχνολογία
  • Συστήματα υποστήριξης απόφασης
  • Έμπειρα συστήματα
  • Ασαφή λογική και μοντελοποίηση.


Σε Επιστημονικά Περιοδικά:

50 K. Koritsoglou, V. Christou, G. Ntritsos, G. Tsoumanis, M.G. Tsipouras, N. Giannakeas and A.T. Tzallas, “Improving the Accuracy of Low-Cost Sensor Measurements for Freezer Automation”, Sensors, vol. 20(6389), doi:10.3390/s20216389 (2020).

49 I. Kalafatakis, K. Kalafatakis, A. Tsimpolis, N. Giannakeas, M. Tsipouras, A. Tzallas, D. Karagogeos, “Using the Allen gene expression atlas of the adult mouse brain to gain further insight into the physiological significance of TAG-1/Contactin-2”, Brain Structure and Function, vol. 225, Pages: 2045–2056 doi: 10.1007/s00429-020-02108-4 (2020).

48 R. Forlano, B. H. Mullish, N. Giannakeas, J.B. Maurice, N. Angkathunyakul, J. Lloyd, A. T. Tzallas, M. Tsipouras, M. Yee, M.R. Thursz, R.D. Goldin and P. Manousou, “High-Throughput, Machine Learning–Based Quantification of Steatosis, Inflammation, Ballooning, and Fibrosis in Biopsies From Patients With Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease”, Clinical Gastroenterology and Hypatology, vol. 18(9), Pages: 2081-2090.e9, doi: 10.1016/j.cgh.2019.12.025 (2020).

47 A. Arjmand, M.G. Tsipouras, A.T. Tzallas, R. Forlano, P. Manousou and N. Giannakeas, “Quantification of Liver Fibrosis—A Comparative Study”, Applied Sciences, vol. 10(447), doi: 10.3390/app10020447 (2020).

46 D.C. Tsouros, P.N. Smyrlis, M.G. Tsipouras, D.G. Tsalikakis, N. Giannakeas, A.T. Tzallas and P. Manousou, “A novel classification via clustering algorithm for fibrosis assessment in liver biopsies” , Health and Technology, doi: 10.1007/s12553-019-00405-5 (2019).

45 A. Arjmand, C.T. Angelis, V. Christou, A.T. Tzallas, M.G. Tsipouras, E. Glavas, R. Forlano, P. Manousou, N. Giannakeas, “Training of Deep Convolutional Neural Networks to Identify Critical Liver Alterations in Histopathology Image Samples”, Applied Sciences, vol. 10(42), doi: 10.3390/app10010042 (2020).

44 K. Kalafatakis, N. Giannakeas, S. Lightman, I. Charalampopoulos, G. Russell, M. Tsipouras and A. Tzallas, “Utilization of the Allen Gene Expression Atlas to gain further insight into glucocorticoid physiology in the adult mouse brain”, Neuroscience Letters, vol. 706, Pages: 194-200. doi: 10.1016/ j.neulet.2019.05.020 (2019).

43 V. Christou, G. Brown, M.G. Tsipouras, N. Giannakeas and A.T. Tzallas, “Hybrid extreme learning machine approach for heterogeneous neural networks”, Neurocomputing, vol. 361, Pages: 137-150, doi: 10.1016/j.neucom.2019.04.092 (2019).

42 K.D. Tzimourta, N. Giannakeas, A.T. Tzallas, L.G. Astrakas, T. Afrantou, P. Ioannidis, N. Grigoriadis, P. Angelidis, D.G. Tsalikakis and M.G. Tsipouras, “EEG Window Length Evaluation for the Detection of Alzheimer’s Disease over Different Brain Regions”, Brain Sciences, vol. 19(81), doi:10.3390/ brainsci9040081 (2019).

41 K.D. Tzimourta, T. Afrantou, P. Ioannidis, M. Karatzikou, A. Tzallas, N. Giannakeas, L. Astrakas, P. Angelidis, E. Glavas, N. Grigoriadis, D. Tsalikakis and M.G. Tsipouras, “Analysis of electroencephalographic signals complexity regarding Alzheimer's Disease”, Computers and Electrical Engineering Journal, vol. 76, Pages: 198-212, doi: 10.1016/j.compeleceng.2019.03.018 (2019).

40 M.G. Tsipouras, “Spectral Information of EEG Signals with Respect to Epilepsy Classification”, EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing, vol. 10, doi: 10.1186/s13634-019-0606-8 (2019).

39 T. Tegou, I. Kalamaras, M. Tsipouras , Ν. Giannakeas, K. Votis and D. Tzovaras, “A Low-Cost Indoor Activity Monitoring System for Detecting Frailty in Older Adults”, Sensors, vol. 19(452), doi: 10.3390/s19030452 (2019).

38 Ι. Tsoulos, A. Tzallas, M. Tsipouras, V. Christou and D. Tsalikakis, “Stopping rules for a parallel genetic algorithm”, International Journal of Computational Intelligence Studies, vol. 9 (1-2), Pages: 146-160, doi: 10.1504/IJCISTUDIES.2020.106498 (2020).

37 K.D. Tzimourta, A.T. Tzallas, N. Giannakeas, L.G. Astrakas, D.G. Tsalikakis, P. Angelidis and M.G. Tsipouras, “A robust methodology for classification of epileptic seizures in EEG signals”, Health and Technology, doi: 10.1007/s12553-018-0265-z (2018).

36 M.G. Tsipouras, “Uterine EMG signals spectral analysis for pre-term birth prediction”, Engineering, Technology & Applied Science Research, vol. 8(5), Pages: 3310-3315 (2018).

35 K.D. Tzimourta, A. Tsilimbaris, K. Tzioukalia, A.T. Tzallas, M.G. Tsipouras, L.G. Astrakas and N. Giannakeas, “EEG-Based Automatic Sleep Stage Classification”, Biomedical Journal of Scientific & Technical Research, vol. 7(4), doi: 10.26717/BJSTR.2018.07.001535 (2018).

34 P.N. Smyrlis, D.C. Tsouros and M.G. Tsipouras, “Constrained K-Means Classification”, Engineering, Technology & Applied Science Research, vol. 8(4), Pages: 3203-3208 (2018).

33 K.D. Tzimourta, L.G. Astrakas, A.M. Gianni, A.T. Tzallas, N. Giannakeas, I. Paliokas, D.G. Tsalikakis and M.G. Tsipouras, “Evaluation of window size in classification of epileptic short-term EEG signals using a Brain Computer Interface software”, Engineering, Technology & Applied Science Research, vol. 8(4), Pages: 3093-3097 (2018).

32 K.D. Tzimourta, I. Tsoulos, T. Bilero, A.T. Tzallas, M.G. Tsipouras and N. Giannakeas, “Direct Assessment of Alcohol Consumption in Mental State Using Brain Computer Interfaces and Grammatical Evolution”, Inventions, vol. 3(51), doi: 10.3390/inventions3030051 (2018).

31 V. Christou, M.G. Tsipouras, N. Giannakeas and A.T. Tzallas, “Hybrid Extreme Learning Machine Approach for Homogeneous Neural Networks”, Neurocomputing, vol. 311, Pages: 397-412, doi: 10.1016/j.neucom.2018.05.064 (2018).

30 P. Tsantarliotis, M.G. Tsipouras and N. Giannakeas, “Personalized UV Radiation Risk Monitoring Using Wearable Devices and Fuzzy Modeling”, Inventions, vol. 3(26), doi: 10.3390/inventions3020026 (2018).

29 K. Tsianou, N. Giannakeas, M.G. Tsipouras, A. T. Tzallas, A. Skamnelos, J. Bure, J. Vlchek and E.V. Tsianos, “Accessing patient views about medication in chronic conditions using the Beliefs about Medicine Questionnaire (BMQ): A review study”, International Journal of Drug Development and Research, vol. 3(1), doi: 10.16966/2470-1009.130 (2017).

28 M. Tsiplakidou, M.G. Tsipouras, N. Giannakeas, A.T. Tzallas and P. Manousou, “Automated Detection of Liver Histopathological Findings Based on Biopsy Image Processing”, Information, vol. 8(36), doi:10.3390/info8010036 (2017).

27 S. Kontogiannis, D. Godas, M. Tsipouras, G. Kokkonis and S. Valsamidis, “Design and implementation of an identification productivity recording and breeding system for the sheep industry”, International Journal of Sustainable Agricultural Management and Informatics, vol. 2(2-4), doi: 10.1504/ IJSAMI.2016.081983 (2017).

26 M.G. Tsipouras, N. Giannakeas, A.T. Tzallas, Z.E. Tsianou, P. Manousou, A. Hall, I. Tsoulos and E. Tsianos, “A Methodology for Automated CPA Extraction using Liver Biopsy Image Analysis and Machine Learning Techniques”, Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine, vol. 140, Pages: 61-68 (2017).

25 K. Tsianou, M.G. Tsipouras, N. Giannakeas, A. Skamnelos, K.H. Katsanos, A. Tatsioni, E.C. Karvounis, V. Tsianos, A.T. Tzallas, E.V. Tsianos and J. Vlcek, “Beliefs about Medicines Questionnaire (BMQ) for inflammatory bowel disease patients in Greece. Ιs it useful?”, European Journal of Person Centered Healthcare, vol. 4(1), Pages: 187-195 (2016).

24 N. Giannakeas, F. Kalatzis, M.G. Tsipouras and D.I. Fotiadis, “A Generalized Methodology for the Gridding of Microarray Images with rectangular or hexagonal grid”, Signal Image and Video Processing, vol. 10(4), Pages: 719-728 (Apr. 2016).

23 L. Fresiello, G. Ferrari, A. Di Molfetta, K. Zieliski, A. Tzallas, S. Jacobs, M. Darowski, M. Kozarski, B. Meys, N.S. Katertsidis, E.C. Karvounis, M.G. Tsipouras and M.G. Trivella, “A cardiovascular simulator tailored for training and clinical uses”, Journal of Biomedical Informatics, vol. 57(1), Pages: 100-112 (Oct. 2015).

22 A.T. Tzallas, M.G. Tsipouras, G. Rigas, D.G. Tsalikakis, E.C. Karvounis, M. Chondrogiorgi, F. Psomadellis, J. Cancela, M. Pastorino, M.T. Arredondo-Waldmeyer, S. Konitsiotis and D.I. Fotiadis, “PERFORM: A System for Monitoring, Assessment and Management of Patients with Parkinson’s Disease”, Sensors, vol. 14(11), Pages: 21329-21357 (Nov. 2014).

21 J. Cancela, M. Pastorino, A.T. Tzallas, M.G. Tsipouras, G. Rigas, M.T. Arredondo and D.I. Fotiadis, “Wearability assessment of a wearable system for Parkinson’s disease remote monitoring based on a body area network of sensors”, Sensors, vol. 14(9), Pages: 17235-17255 (Sep. 2014).

20 A.T. Tzallas, N.S. Katertsidis, E.C. Karvounis, M.G. Tsipouras, G. Rigas, Y. Goletsis, K. Zielinski, L. Fresiello, A.Di Molfetta, G. Ferrari, J.V. Terrovitis, M.G. Trivella and D.I. Fotiadis, “Modeling and Simulation of Speed Selection on Left Ventricular Assist Devices”, Computers in Biology and Medicine, vol. 51(1), Pages: 128-139 (Aug. 2014).

19 E.C. Karvounis, M.G. Tsipouras, A.T. Tzallas, N. Katertsidis, K. Stefanou, Y. Goletsis, M. Frigerio, A. Verde, R. Caruso, B. Meyns, J. Terrovitis, M. Trivella and D.I. Fotiadis, “A Decision Support System for the Treatment of Patients with Ventricular Assist Device Support”, Methods of Information in Medicine, vol. 53(2), Pages: 121-136 (Feb. 2014).

18 E.E. Tripoliti, A.T. Tzallas, M.G. Tsipouras, G. Rigas, P. Bougia, M. Leontiou, S. Konitsiotis, S. Tsouli and D.I. Fotiadis, “Automatic Detection of Freezing of Gait events in Patients with Parkinson’s Disease”, Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine, vol. 110(1), Pages: 12-26 (Apr. 2013).

17 M.G. Tsipouras, A.T. Tzallas, G. Rigas, D.I. Fotiadis and S. Konitsiotis, “An Automated Methodology for Levodopa-Induced Dyskinesia Assessment based on Gyroscope and Accelerometer Signals”, Artificial Intelligence in Medicine, vol. 55(2), Pages: 127–135 (Jun. 2012).

16 G. Rigas, M.G. Tsipouras, P. Bougia, A.T. Tzallas, E.E. Tripoliti, D. Baga, D.I. Fotiadis, S.G. Tsouli and S. Konitsiotis, “Assessment of Tremor Activity in the Parkinson's disease using a Set of Wearable Sensors”, IEEE Information Technology in Biomedicine, vol. 16(3), Pages: 478- 487 (Apr. 2012).

15 N. Giannakeas, F. Kalatzis, M.G. Tsipouras and D.I. Fotiadis, “Spot Addressing for microarray images structured in hexagonal grids”, Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine, vol. 106(1), Pages: 1- 13 (Apr. 2012).

14 E.C. Karvounis, M.G. Tsipouras, C. Papaloukas, D.G. Tsalikakis, K.K. Naka and D.I. Fotiadis, “A non-Invasive Methodology for Fetus Health Monitoring During Pregnancy”, Methods of Information in Medicine, vol. 49(3), Pages: 238-53 (Jun. 2010).

13 A.T. Tzallas, M.G. Tsipouras and D.I. Fotiadis, “Epileptic Seizure Detection in Electroencephalograms using Time-Frequency Analysis”, IEEE Transactions on Information Technology in Biomedicine, vol. 13(5), Pages: 703-710 (Sep. 2009).

12 E.C. Karvounis, M.G. Tsipouras and D.I. Fotiadis, “Detection of Fetal Heart Rate Through 3-D Phase Space Analysis From Multivariate Abdominal Recordings”, IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, vol. 56(5), Pages: 1394-1406 (May 2009).

11 T.P. Exarchos, M.G. Tsipouras, C. Papaloukas and D.I. Fotiadis, “A two-stage Methodology for Sequence Classification based on Sequential Pattern Mining and Optimization”, Data and Knowledge Engineering, vol. 66(3), Pages: 467-487 (Sep. 2008).

10 M.G. Tsipouras, T.P. Exarchos and D.I. Fotiadis, “A Methodology for Automated Fuzzy Model Generation”, Fuzzy Sets and Systems, vol. 159(23), Pages: 3201-3220 (Dec. 2008).

9 T.P. Exarchos, M.G. Tsipouras, C. Papaloukas and D.I. Fotiadis, “An Optimized Sequential Pattern Matching Methodology for Sequence Classification”, Knowledge and Information Systems, vol. 19(2), Pages: 249-264 (May 2009).

8 M.G. Tsipouras, T.P. Exarchos, D.I. Fotiadis, A. Kotsia, K. Vakalis, K.K. Naka and L.K. Michalis, “Automated Diagnosis of Coronary Artery Disease Based on Data Mining and Fuzzy Modelling”, IEEE Transactions on Information Technology in Biomedicine, vol. 12(4), Pages: 447-458 (Jul. 2008).

7 A.T. Tzallas, M.G. Tsipouras and D.I. Fotiadis, “Automatic Seizure Detection based on Time-Frequency Analysis and Artificial Neural Networks”, Computational Intelligence and Neuroscience, doi: 10.1155/2007/80510, Pages: 13 (2007).

6 E.C. Karvounis, M.G. Tsipouras, D.I. Fotiadis and K.K. Naka, “An Automated Methodology for Fetal Heart Rate Extraction from the Abdominal Electrocardiogram”, IEEE Transactions on Information Technology in Biomedicine, vol. 11(6), Pages: 628-638 (Nov. 2007).

5 M.G. Tsipouras, C. Voglis and D.I. Fotiadis, “A Framework for Fuzzy Expert System Creation – Application to Cardiovascular Diseases”, IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, vol. 54(11), Pages: 2089-2105 (Nov. 2007).

4 T.P. Exarchos, M.G. Tsipouras, C.P. Exarchos, C. Papaloukas, D.I. Fotiadis and L.K. Michalis, “A Methodology for the Automated Creation of Fuzzy Expert Systems for Ischaemic and Arrhythmic Beat Classification Based on a Set of Rules Obtained by a Decision Tree”, Artificial Intelligence in Medicine, vol. 40(3), Pages: 187-200 (Jul. 2007).

3 M. Tsipouras, T. Exarchos, C. Papaloukas, A. Bechlioulis, A. Kotsia, T. Nanou, C. Bazios, Y. Antoniou, D. Fotiadis, A. Naka and L. Michalis, “Automatic creation of Decision Support Systems: Application and results in the cardiovascular diseases domain”, The Journal on Information Technology in Healthcare, vol. 4(4), Pages: 222-230 (2006).

2 M.G. Tsipouras, D.I. Fotiadis and D. Sideris, “An Arrhythmia Classification System based on the RR-Interval Signal”, Artificial Intelligence in Medicine, vol. 33(3), Pages: 237-250 (Mar. 2005).

1 M.G. Tsipouras and D.I. Fotiadis, “Automatic Arrhythmia Detection based on Time and Time-Frequency Analysis of Heart Rate Variability”, Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine, vol. 74(2), Pages: 95- 108 (May 2004).

Σε Συνέδρια:

61 V. Fiska, N. Giannakeas, N. Katertsidis, A.T. Tzallas, K. Kalafatakis and M.G. Tsipouras, “Motor data analysis of Parkinson’s disease patients”, in Proc. of 20th IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Bioengineering (BIBE, Cincinnati, USA), 2020.

60 T. Lampros, K. Kalafatakis, I.G. Violaris, N. Giannakeas, A.T. Tzallas and M.G. Tsipouras, “Fetal Heart Beat detection based on Empirical Mode Decomposition, Signal Quality Indices and Correlation Analysis”, in Proc. of 20th IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Bioengineering (BIBE, Cincinnati, USA), 2020.

59 V. Christou, G. Ntritsos, A.T. Tzallas, M.G. Tsipouras and N. Giannakeas, “Self-Adaptive Hybrid Extreme Learning Machine for Heterogeneous Neural Networks”, in Proc. of International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN, Glasgow, United Kingdom), 2020.

58 A. Arjmand, V. Christou, A.T. Tzallas, M.G. Tsipouras, C.T. Angelis, G. Tsoumanis, E. Glavas, R. Forlano, P. Manousou and N. Giannakeas, “Transfer Learning versus Custom CNN Architectures in NAFLD Biopsy Images”, in Proc. of 43rd International Conference on Telecommunications and Signal Processing (TSP, Milan, Italy), 2020.

57 P.A Bonotis, D.C. Tsouros, P.N Smyrlis, A.T. Tzallas, N. Giannakeas, E. Glavas, M.G. Tsipouras, “Automated Assessment of Pain Intensity Based on EEG Signal Analysis”, in Proc. of 19th IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Bioengineering (BIBE, Athens, Greece), 2019.

56 A. Arjmand, C.T. Angelis, A.T. Tzallas, M.G. Tsipouras, E. Glavas, R. Forlano, P. Manousou and N. Giannakeas, “Deep learning in liver biopsies using convolutional neural networks”, in Proc. of 42nd International Conference on Telecommunications and Signal Processing (TSP, Budapest, Hungary), 2019.

55 I. Paliokas, S. Sylaiou, N.S. Katertsidis, O. Tsakai, A.T. Tzallas, N. Giannakeas, M. Tsipouras, K. Votis and V. Nomikos, “OneAppy: An Interactive Platform Providing Novel Marketing Channels and Promoting Product and Services to the Tourism Industry,” In Proc. of International conference on strategic innovative marketing and tourism (ICSIMAT, Athens, Greece), 2018.

54 M.G. Tsipouras, N. Giannakeas, T. Tegou, I, Kalamaras, K. Votis and D. Tzovaras, “Assessing the Frailty of Older People using Bluetooth Beacons Data,” In Proc. of The international workshop of e-Health Pervasive Wireless Applications and Services (e-HPWAS'18, Limassol, Cyprus), 2018.

53 D.C. Tsouros, P. Smyrlis, M.G. Tsipouras, N. Giannakeas and A. T. Tzallas, “Random forests with stochastic induction of decision trees, ” In Proc. of 30th annual IEEE International Conference on Tools with Artificial Intelligence (ICTAI, Volos, Greece), 2018.

52 A. Arjmand, A.T. Tzallas, M.G. Tsipouras, R. Forlano, P. Manousou, N. Katertsidis, N. Giannakeas, “Fat Droplets Identification in Liver Biopsies using Supervised Learning Techniques,” PErvasive Technologies Related to Assistive Environments (PETRA, Corfu, Greece), 2018.

51 K.D. Tzimourta, A.T. Tzallas, N. Giannakeas, L.G. Astrakas, D.G. Tsalikakis and M. Tsipouras, “Epileptic seizures classification based on long-term EEG signal Wavelet analysis,” International Conference on Biomedical and Health Informatics, Thessaloniki, Greece, 2017.

50 M.G. Tsipouras, N. Giannakeas, S. Doumpoulakis, A. Voulgaridis, D. Kikidis, K. Votis and D. Tzovaras "Rule Editor for ARDEN Syntax Generation towards a more Effective Self- Management of Asthma Disease Patients", 17th International Conference on Bioinformatics and Bioengineering (IEEE BIBE 2017, Washington, DC, USA), pp. 520-524.

49 A.N. Ntagiou, M.G. Tsipouras, N. Giannakeas and A. T. Tzallas, "Protein Structure Recognition by Means of Sequential Pattern Mining", 17th International Conference on Bioinformatics and Bioengineering (IEEE BIBE 2017, Washington, DC, USA), pp. 334-339.

48 N. Giannakeas, M. Tsiplakidou, M.G. Tsipouras, P. Manousou, R. Forlano and A. T. Tzallas, "Image Enhancement of Routine Biopsies: A Case for Liver Tissue Detection," 17th International Conference on Bioinformatics and Bioengineering (IEEE BIBE 2017, Washington, DC, USA), pp. 236-240.

47 D.C. Tsouros, P.N. Smyrlis, N. Giannakeas, A. Tzallas, P. Manousou, D.G. Tsalikakis and M.G. Tsipouras, “Automated collagen proportional area extraction in liver biopsy images using a novel classification via clustering algorithm”, 30th IEEE International Symposium on Computer-Based Medical Systems (IEEE CBMS 2017, Thessaloniki, Greece), (22-24 June 2017).

46 A. Tzallas, N. Giannakeas, K. Zoulis, M.G. Tsipouras, E. Glavas, K.D. Tzimourta, L.G. Astrakas and S. Konitsiotis, “EEG Classification and Short-Term Epilepsy Prognosis using Brain Computer Interface Software”, 30th IEEE International Symposium on Computer-Based Medical Systems (IEEE CBMS 2017, Thessaloniki, Greece), (22-24 June 2017).

45 N. Giannakeas, M.G. Tsipouras, A. Tzallas, R. Forlano, M. Vavva, E.C. Karvounis, M. Tsimplakidou and P. Manousou, “Measuring Steatosis in Liver Biopsies using Machine Learning and Morphological Imaging”, 30th IEEE International Symposium on Computer-Based Medical Systems (IEEE CBMS 2017, Thessaloniki, Greece), (22-24 June 2017).

44 K.D. Tzimourta, M.G. Tsipouras, N. Giannakeas, L.G. Astrakas, S. Konitsiotis and A. Tzallas, “Wavelet based classification of epileptic seizures in EEG signals”, 30th IEEE International Symposium on Computer-Based Medical Systems (IEEE CBMS 2017, Thessaloniki, Greece), (22-24 June 2017).

43 A.T. Tzallas, I. Tsoulos, M.G. Tsipouras, N. Giannakeas, I. Androulidakis and E. Zaitseva, “Classification of EEG signals using feature creation produced by grammatical evolution”, 24th Telecommunications Forum (TELFOR 2016, Belgrade, Serbia), (22-23 Nov. 2016).

42 I. Tsoulos, A.T. Tzallas, D.G. Tsalikakis, N. Giannakeas, M.G. Tsipouras, I. Androulidakis and E. Zaitseva, “NeuralGenesis: a software for distributed neural network training”, 24th Telecommunications Forum (TELFOR 2016, Belgrade, Serbia), (22-23 Nov. 2016).

41 M. Tsimplakidou, M.G. Tsipouras, P. Manousou, N. Giannakeas and A.T. Tzallas, “Automated hepatic steatosis assessment through liver biopsy image processing”, 18th IEEE Conference on Business Informatics (CBI 2016, Paris, France), (29 Aug. - 1 Sep. 2016).

40 D. Godas, S. Kontogiannis, M. Tsipouras, S. Valsamidis and T. Lazaridis, “A Sensor Based Management and Monitoring System for the Identification of Lambs Focusing on Milk Productivity Upturns”, 7th International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies in Agriculture, Food and Environment (HAICTA 2015, Kavala, Greece), Pages: 651-660, (17-20 Sep. 2015).

39 N. Giannakeas, M.G. Tsipouras, A.T. Tzallas, E.C. Karvounis, K. Kyriakidi, Z.E. Tsianou, P. Manousou, A. Hall, V. Tsianos and E. Tsianos, “A clustering based method for collagen proportional area extraction in liver biopsy images”, 37th IEEE EMBS Annual International Conference (EMBS 2015, Milano, Italy), Pages: 3097-3040, (25-29 Aug. 2015).

38 M.G. Tsipouras, A.T. Tzallas, E.C. Karvounis, D.I. Tsalikakis, J. Cancela, M. Pastorino, M.T. Arredondo, S. Konitsiotis and D.I. Fotiadis, “A wearable device for long-term ubiquitous monitoring of common motor symptoms in patients with Parkinson’s disease”, 2nd IEEE-EMBS International Conference on Biomedical and Health Informatics (BHI 2014, Valencia, Spain), Pages: 173-176, (1-4 Jun. 2014).

37 M.G. Tsipouras, E.C. Karvounis, A.T. Tzallas, N.S. Katertzidis, Y. Goletsis, M. Frigerio, A. Verde, M.G. Trivella and D.I. Fotiadis, “Adverse Event Prediction in Patients with Left Ventricular Assist Devices”, 35th IEEE EMBS Annual International Conference (EMBS 2013, Osaka, Japan), Pages: 1314-1317, (3-7 Jul. 2013).

36 D.G Tsalikakis, I. Nakos, A.T. Tzallas, E.C. Karvounis and M.G. Tsipouras, “Effects of Exercise in Diabetic Rats Using Continuous Wavelet Transform”, 3rd International Conference on Ambient Media and Systems (AMBI-SYS 2013, Athens, Greece), (15 Mar. 2013).

35 M.G. Tsipouras, A.T. Tzallas, E.C. Karvounis, N. Katertsidis, Y. Goletsis, K. Stefanou, D.I. Fotiadis, J. Terrovitis and M. Trivella, “Specialist Decision Support for Patients with Ventricular Assist Devices”, The 5th International Conference on eHealth, Telemedicine, and Social Medicine (eTELEMED 2013, Nice, France), (24 Feb. – 1 Mar. 2013).

34 A.T. Tzallas, G. Rigas, E.C. Karvounis, M.G. Tsipouras, Y. Goletsis, K. Zielinski, L. Fresiello, D.I. Fotiadis and M.G. Trivella, “A Gaussian Mixture Model to Detect Suction Events in Rotary Blood Pumps”, 12th IEEE International Conference on BioInformatics and BioEngineering (BIBE 2012, Larnaca, Cyprus), Pages: 127-131, (11 – 13 Nov. 2012).

33 M.G. Tsipouras, E.C. Karvounis, A.T. Tzallas, Y. Goletsis, D.I. Fotiadis, S. Adamopoulos and M.G. Trivella, “Automated knowledge-based fuzzy models generation for weaning of patients receiving Ventricular Assist Device (VAD) therapy”, 34th IEEE EMBS Annual International Conference (EMBS 2012, San Diego, USA), Pages: 2206-2209, (28 Aug. - 1 Sep. 2012).

32 E.C. Karvounis, M.G. Tsipouras, A.T. Tzallas, Y. Goletsis, D.I. Fotiadis, J. Terrovitis and M.G. Trivella, “Knowledge Editor and Execution Engine Development for Optimal Ventricular Assist Device Weaning”, 34th IEEE EMBS Annual International Conference (EMBS 2012, San Diego, USA), Pages: 1262-1265, (28 Aug. - 1 Sep. 2012).

31 E.C. Karvounis, K. Stefanou, T.P. Exarchos, A.T. Tzallas, M.G. Tsipouras and D.I. Fotiadis, “A Treatment Decision Support System for patients receiving Ventricular Assist Device (VAD) therapy”, IEEE-EMBS International Conference on Biomedical and Health Informatics (BHI 2012, Hong Kong and Shenzhen, China), Pages: 695-698, (2-7 Jan. 2012).

30 M.G. Tsipouras, A.T. Tzallas, D.I. Fotiadis and S. Konitsiotis, “On Automated Assessment of Levodopa-Induced Dyskinesia in Parkinson’s Disease”, 33th IEEE EMBS Annual International Conference (EMBS 2011, Boston, USA), Pages: 2679-2682, (30 Aug. - 3 Sep. 2011).

29 G. Rigas, P. Bougia, D. Baga, M.G. Tsipouras, A.T. Tzallas, E. Tripoliti, S. Tsouli, M. Chondrogiorgi, S. Konitsiotis and D.I. Fotiadis, “A Decision Support Tool for Optimal Levodopa Administration in Parkinson’s Disease”, 10th International IEEE EMBS Conference on Information Technology Applications in Biomedicine (ITAB 2010, Corfu, Greece), (2-5 Nov. 2010).

28 M.G. Tsipouras, A.T. Tzallas, E. Tripoliti, G. Rigas, P. Bougia, D.I. Fotiadis, S. Tsouli, and S. Konitsiotis, “On assessing motor disorders in Parkinson’s disease”, International ICST Conference on Wireless Mobile Communication and Healthcare (MobiHealth 2010, Agia Napa, Cyprus), (18-20 Oct. 2010).

27 M.G. Tsipouras, A.T. Tzallas, G. Rigas, D.I. Fotiadis and S. Konitsiotis, “Automated Levodopa-Induced Dyskinesia Assessment”, 32th IEEE EMBS Annual International Conference (EMBS 2010, Buenos Aires, Argentina), Pages: 2411-2414, (31 Aug. - 4 Sep. 2010).

26 M.G. Tsipouras, A.T. Tzallas, G. Rigas, P. Bougia, D.I. Fotiadis and S. Konitsiotis, “An Automated Method for Levodopa-Induced Dyskinesia Detection and Severity Classification”, The XII Mediterranean Conference on Medical and Biological Engineering and Computing (MEDICON 2010, Chalkidiki, Greece), Pages: 592-595, (27-30 May 2010).

25 E. Karvounis, M.G. Tsipouras and D.I. Fotiadis, “Fetal Heart Rate Detection in Multivariate Abdominal ECG Recordings using non-linear Analysis”, 30th IEEE EMBS Annual International Conference (EMBS 2008, Vancouver, Canada), Pages: 2141-2144, (20-24 Aug. 2008).

24 M.G. Tsipouras, T.P. Exarchos and D.I. Fotiadis, “Automated Creation of Transparent Fuzzy Models based on Decision Trees – Application to Diabetes Diagnosis”, 30th IEEE EMBS Annual International Conference (EMBS 2008, Vancouver, Canada), Pages: 3799-3802, (20-24 Aug. 2008).

23 M.G. Tsipouras, T.P. Exarchos and D.I. Fotiadis, “Automated Fuzzy Model Generation Through Weight and Fuzzyfication Parameters' Optimization”, 2008 IEEE World Congress on Computational Intelligence (WCCI 2008, Hong Kong, China), Pages: 2186-2193, (1-6 Jun. 2008).

22 D.I. Fotiadis, T.P. Exarchos and M.G. Tsipouras, “Biosequence Classification using Sequential Pattern Mining and Optimization”, 7th International IEEE EMBS Special Topic Conference on Information Technology and Applications in Biomedicine (ITAB 2007, Tokyo, Japan), Pages: 58-61, (8-11 Nov. 2007).

21 M.G. Tsipouras, T.P. Exarchos and D.I. Fotiadis, “Weight Analysis and Optimization in Fuzzy Modelling”, 8th International Workshop on Scattering Theory and Biomedical Technology (Lefkada, Greece), Pages: 340-347, (28 – 30 Sep. 2007).

20 M.G. Tsipouras, T.P. Exarchos and D.I. Fotiadis, “Integration of Global and Local Knowledge for Fuzzy Expert System Creation – Application to Arrhythmic Beat Classification”, 29th IEEE EMBS Annual International Conference (EMBS 2007, Lyon, France), Pages: 3840-3843, (22-26 Aug. 2007).

19 A. Tzallas, M.G. Tsipouras and D.I. Fotiadis, “The Use of Time-Frequency Distributions for Epileptic Seizure Detection in EEG Recordings”, 29th IEEE EMBS Annual International Conference (EMBS 2007, Lyon, France), Pages: 3-6, (22-26 Aug. 2007).

18 A.T. Tzallas, M.G. Tsipouras and D.I. Fotiadis, “A Time Frequency Based Method for the Detection of Epileptic Seizures in EEG Recordings”, 20th IEEE International Symposium on Computer-Based Medical Systems (CBMS 2007, Maribor, Slovenia), Pages: 135-140, (20-22 Jun. 2007).

17 T. Exarchos, C. Papaloukas, M. Tsipouras, C. Lambros and D. Fotiadis, “A Novel Method for Protein Fold Recognition using Sequential Pattern Mining and Optimization Algorithms”, 6th International IEEE EMBS Special Topic Conference on Information Technology and Applications in Biomedicine (ITAB 2006, Ioannina, Greece), (26-28 Oct. 2006).

16 E. Karvounis, C. Papaloukas, M. Tsipouras, P. Bougia and D. Fotiadis, “Remote Maternal and Fetal Health Monitoring During Pregnancy”, 6th International IEEE EMBS Special Topic Conference on Information Technology and Applications in Biomedicine (ITAB 2006, Ioannina, Greece), (26-28 Oct. 2006).

15 M.G. Tsipouras, T.P. Exarchos and D.I. Fotiadis, “A Comparison of Methodologies for Fuzzy Expert System Creation - Application to Arrhythmic Beat Classification”, 28th IEEE EMBS Annual International Conference, (EMBS 2006, New York City, USA), Pages: 2316-2319, (30 Aug. - 3 Sep. 2006).

14 M.G. Tsipouras, T.P. Exarchos, C. Papaloukas, A. Kotsia, A. Bechlioulis, T. Nanou, Y. Antoniou, C. Bazios, D.I. Fotiadis, A. Naka and L.K. Michalis, “Automatic creation of Decision Support Systems: Application and Results in the Cardiovascular Diseases Domain”, 4th International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies in Health (ICICTH 2006, Samos Island, Greece), (13-15 Jul. 2006).

13 E.C. Karvounis, M.G. Tsipouras, D.I. Fotiadis and K.K. Naka, “A Method for Fetal Heart Rate Extraction based on Time-Frequency Analysis”, 19th IEEE International Symposium on Computer-Based Medical Systems (CBMS 2006, Salt Lake City, USA), Pages: 347-352, (22-23 Jun. 2006).

12 M.G. Tsipouras, T.P. Exarchos, D.I. Fotiadis, A. Kotsia, A. Naka and L.K. Michalis, “A Decision Support System for the Diagnosis of Coronary Artery Disease”, 19th IEEE International Symposium on Computer-Based Medical Systems (CBMS 2006, Salt lake City, USA), Pages: 279-284, (22-23 Jun. 2006).

11 M.G. Tsipouras, C. Voglis, I.E. Lagaris and D.I. Fotiadis, “Cardiac Arrhythmia Classification using Support Vector Machines”, 3rd European Medical & Biological Engineering Conference 2005 (EMBEC ’05 , Prague, Czech Republic), (20-25 Nov. 2005).

10 T.P. Exarchos, M.G. Tsipouras, D. Nanou, C. Bazios, Y. Antoniou and D.I. Fotiadis, “A Platform for Wide Scale Integration and Visual Representation of Medical Intelligence in Cardiology: the Decision Support Framework”, Computers in Cardiology 2005 (CinC 2005, Lyon, France), Pages: 167-170, (25-28 Sep. 2005).

9 M.G. Tsipouras, C.A. Voglis, I.A. Lagaris and D.I. Fotiadis, “A Framework for Fuzzy Expert System Creation”, 7th International Workshop on Scattering Theory and Biomedical Technology (Nymfaio, Greece), Pages:423-430, (8-11 Sep. 2005).

8 M.G. Tsipouras, Y. Goletsis and D.I. Fotiadis, “A Method for Arrhythmic Episode Classification in ECGs using Fuzzy Logic and Markov Models”, Computers in Cardiology 2004 (CinC 2004, Chicago, USA), Pages: 361-364, (19-22 Sep. 2004).

7 M.G. Tsipouras, V.P. Oikonomou, D.I. Fotiadis, L.K. Michalis and D. Sideris, “Classification of Atrial Tachyarrhythmias in Electrocardiograms using Time Frequency Analysis”, Computers in Cardiology 2004 (CinC 2004, Chicago, USA), Pages: 245-248, (19-22 Sep. 2004).

6 M.G. Tsipouras and D.I. Fotiadis, “An Efficient System for the Detection of Arrhythmic Segments in ECG Recordings based on non-Linear Features of the RR Interval Signal”, Computers in Cardiology 2003 (CinC 2003, Thessalonica, Greece), Pages: 533-536, (21-24 Sep. 2003).

5 V.P. Oikonomou, M.G. Tsipouras and D.I. Fotiadis, “Knowledge-Based Systems for Arrhythmia Detection and Classification”, 6th International Workshop on Scattering Theory and Biomedical Technology (Tsepelovo, Greece), Pages: 524-531, (18-21 Sep. 2003).

4 M.G. Tsipouras, D.I. Fotiadis and D. Sideris, “Arrhythmic Electrocardiogram Beat Detection and Classification Using Heart Rate Variability Analysis”, 2nd European Medical & Biological Engineering Conference 2002 (EMBEC ’02, Vienna, Austria), Pages: 368-369, (4-8 Dec. 2002).

3 M.G. Tsipouras and D.I. Fotiadis, “Arrhythmia Detection with Time and Time – Frequency Analysis of Heart Rate Variability”, 4th International Workshop on Biosignal Interpretation (Como, Italy), Pages: 175-178, (24-26 Jun. 2002).

2 M.G. Tsipouras, D.I. Fotiadis and D. Sideris, “Arrhythmia Classification using the RR-Interval Duration Signal”, Computers in Cardiology 2002 (CinC 2002, Memphis, USA), Pages: 485-488, (22-25 Sep. 2002).

1 M.G. Tsipouras and D.I. Fotiadis, “Time and Time – Frequency Methods in the Analysis of Heart Rate Variability”, 5th International Workshop on Scattering Theory and Biomedical Technology (Corfu, Greece), Pages: 433-447, (18-19 Oct. 2001).

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