Γκανάτσιος Στέργιος




  • 1976 Απολυτήριο Βαλταδώρειου εξατάξιου Γυµνασίου Κοζάνης
  • 1977 – 1981 Σχολή της Φυσικής του Πανεπιστηµίου του Βουκουρεστίου, ειδικότητα Πυρηνικού Φυσικού. Βαθµός διπλώµατος 9.00 
  • 1981 – 1982 Μεταπτυχιακό τµήµα της Σχολής Φυσικής στον τοµέα της Πυρηνικής. Βαθµός µεταπτυχιακών σπουδών 9.20
  • 1985 – 1990 ∆ιδακτορική διατριβή στη Σχολή της Φυσικής του Πανεπιστηµίου του Βουκουρεστίου 







  • C.Cepisca, S. Ganatsios, N. Jula, (2001), “Instrumentatie Industriala,” I.C.P.E, Bucuresti,RomaniaC.
  • Cepisca, M. Covrig,S. Ganatsios P.Notinger.L. Ocheana,R.Parlog-Cristian,C.L.Popescu,M.O. Popescu, D. Steflea,M. Perpelea, (2002), Compendiu de Electronica, Rm. Valcea, Bucuresti, Romania 
  •  SERIŢAN,G, CEPIŞCĂ,C, GANATSIOS S, Energia electrică şi măsurarea ei, Ed. ELECTRA, 2004, Bucureşti, 200pag., ISBN 973-7728-09-2  
  • S.Ganatsios, M.Dobre, E.Nistor, (2005), Physics of rarefiated gases, ΤΕΙ of Western Macedonia Press, Kozani 2005 
  •  Φυσική για επιστήµονες και µηχανικούς/ Randal D. Knight, 1ος τόµος: Μηχανική , µετάφραση Κων/νος Κρίτσης, Ιωάννα Παρασκελίδη; Επιµέλεια: Ευστάθιος Σιδερής, Στέργιος Γκανάτσιος, Αθήνα : Μακεδονικές Εκδόσεις, c 2007  
  • Φυσική για επιστήµονες και µηχανικούς/ Randal D. Knight, 2ος τόµος: Ηλεκτρισµός, µετάφραση Κων/νος Κρίτσης, Ιωάννα Παρασκελίδη; Επιµέλεια: Ευστάθιος Σιδερής, Στέργιος Γκανάτσιος, Αθήνα : Μακεδονικές Εκδόσεις, c 2007  
  • Octavian Dontu, George Charalampides, Stergios Ganatsios, Sotirios Kandrelis, Bogdan Alexandrescu. Metode si mijloace pentru evaluarea gradului de poluare a aerului si apei marine. Editura Printech, Bucuresti 2009  Cristina Mihaela Gheorghe, Mircea Covrig, Ganatsios Stergios, Kikis Vasilis, Meghea Aurelia. «Innovation, a solution for SMEs ». Εκδόσεις Ιων, Marie Curie Actions. 2011 
  • Mircea Covrig, Ganatsios Stergios editors (coordinators), “Selected Topics in Applied Electrotechnics”, ISBN: 978-960-508-052-5, 2012 
  • “Transfer of 121 I and 137 Cs from cow milk to cheese and other products”, The Australian Journal of Dairy Technology, vol 44, no 1, May 1989 
  •  “Direct oxinitride synthesis by multipulse excimer laser irradiation of silicon wafers in a nitrogencontaining ambient environment”, Journal of Applied Physics, vol 68, issue 5, 1990 
  •  “Synthesis of pure titanium nitride layers by multipulse excimer laser irradiation of titanium foils a nitrogen-containing atmosphere”, Journal of Applied Physics, vol. 69, issue 3, 1991 
  • “Direct nitridation of a silicon surface by multipulse excimer laser irradiation in a nitrogencontaining ambient gas”, Journal of Applied Physics, vol. 70, issue 4, 1991 
  •  “Natural 228Ra, 226Ra, 40K, and artificial 137Cs radionuclides distribution in soil in areas of lignite power plants of Western Macedonia”, Journal of Trace and Microprobe Techniques, Volume 19, Issue 2, May 2001, pages 259-266 
  • “Correlation between hardness and structure of carbon-nitride thin films obtained by reactive pulsed laser deposition”, Thin Solid Films, Volume 388, pp 93-100, 2001 
  •  “About the power definitions for nonsinusoidal situations”, Buletin Stiinţific Universitatea Piteşti, Seria: Metrologie,Sisteme de măsurare şi Ingineria calităţii, nr.2-3, p.24-30, 2002, ISSN 1582- 6023,(SCOPUS) 
  • “Evaluation of the energetic potential of the wind on the seacoast of the Black Sea using Wavelet Transform. Section: Eolian energy evaluation wavelet transform”, Electrotehnica Electronica Automatica, Vol. 49 nr.9-10, Institutul de Cecretare, Bucuresti-Romania, sept.-oct. 2001 
  •  “The mathematical models of the electromechanical convertors with the intermediate magnetic field”, Electrotehnica Electronica Automaticα Εditorial 2001-2002 
  •  “The estimate of the power potential of the wind at the seaside of the Black Sea”, Electrotehnica Electronica Automaticα Εditorial, 2001-1002 
  • “Effects of thermo-oxydative stresses on water – trees initiation”, Electrotehnica Electronica Automatica Editorial, 2001-2002 
  •  “Industrial frequency magnetic field pollution in power plant areas” Electrotehnica Electronica Automatica Editorial, 2001-2002 
  •  “Trace elements distribution in soil in areas of lignite power plants of Western Macedonia”, Journal of Trace and Microprobe Techniques, Volume 20, Issue 2, May 2002, pages 269-282 
  •  “Heavy metals distribution in some lichens, mosses, and trees in the vicinity of lignite power plants from West Macedonia, Greece. “Journal of Trace and Microprobe Techniques, Volume 20, Issue 3, August 2002, pages 395-413 
  • “Evaluation of the doses of radioactive material and the population protection countermeasures in a nuclear accident”, Journal of Environmental Protection and Ecology, Volume 3,No4,989-994, 2002 
  •  “Influence of the thermal stress in the solid active laser medium on the Technological parameters of the laser beam”, Academia Romania. Romanian Journal of Technical Sciences. Applied Mechanics. “Proceedings of the International Conference on manufacturing systems ICMaS 2002 (7, p.p. 451-454, 2002 Βιογραφικό Σηµείωµα Γκανάτσιος Στέργιος © Ευρωπαϊκή Ένωση, 2002-2013 | https://europass.cedefop.europa.eu 
  • “About the performances of the electronic energy meters”, Acta Electrotehnica, vol.44, nr.2, 2003, pp.97-100, ISSN 1841- 3323 
  •  “Energy measurement techniques for non-sinusoidal situations”, Acta Electrotehnica, vol.44, nr.2, 2003, pp.91-96, ISSN 1841-3323 
  •  “Procese fizico-chimice care apar in fluidele combustibile tratate in camp magnetic”, Revista Chimie, vol. 54, nr. 12, 2003, Revista I.S.I. 
  •  “Natural and artificial radionuclides distribution in some lichens, mosses and trees in the vicinity of lignite power plants from West Macedonia, Greece”, J. Trace Microprobe Tech., Vol. 21 (3): 543- 554 
  •  “Determinari experimentale privind regimul deformant la functionarea lampilor cu vapori de sodiu de inalta presiune”, Buletinul Stiintific al Universitatii din Pitesti, Seria Metrologie, Sisteme de masurare si ingineria calitatii, nr.4/2003, pag.38-44, Ed. Universitatii Pitesti, ISSN 1582-6023 
  •  “Mesurage de l’energie electrique.Erreurs et compensations », Buletinul Stiintific al Universitatii din Pitesti, Seria Metrologie, Sisteme de masurare si ingineria calitatii, nr.4/2003, pag.84-88, Ed. Universitatii Pitesti, ISSN 1582-6023 
  •  “The measurements of electrical nonsinusoidal signals”, Buletinul Stiintific al Universitatii din Pitesti, Seria Metrologie, Sisteme de masurare si ingineria calitatii, nr.1/2004, pag.22-26, Ed. Universitatii Pitesti, ISSN 1582-6023 
  • “Reducerea regimului nesinusoidal in functionarea lampilor cu vapori de sodiu”, Buletinul Stiintific al Universitatii din Pitesti, Seria Metrologie, Sisteme de masurare si ingineria calitatii, nr.1/2004, pag.82-86, Ed. Universitatii Pitesti, ISSN 1582-6023 
  •  “Force computation of a PM separator”, Rev. Roum. Sci. Techn.– Électrotechn. et Énerg., 49, 4, p. , Bucharest, 2004 
  •  “Influence of Thermal Deformation in the Solid Laser Medium on the Emitted Radiation Parameters”, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science August 1, 2005 219: 823-827 
  • “Increasing pumping efficiency in cavities of the laser generators with active solid medium by optimizing their profile”, Romanian Journal of Optoelectronics. Revista I.S.I. 2004, v. 12,” issue, January – March 2004 
  •  “Procese biofizico – chimice in tesuturile umane vii traumatiza tratate cu collagen si asistate ultrasonic”, Revista de chimie, Revista I.S.I. 2004 
  •  “Sudarea cu laser CO2 a unor oteluri inoxidabile”, Revista de Mecanica Fina Optica si Mecatronica”, Nr. 4, 2004, pag.4 
  •  “Methodes de correction des erreurs dues aux transformateurs de courant au mesurage des energies electriques”, Buletinul Institutului Politehnic din Iasi, Tom L(LIV),2004, Fasc.5B, pag.745-755 
  • “Method for determination of the equivalent network for reciprocal and symmetrical multipol circuits”, Buletinul Stiintific al Universitatii din Pitesti, Seria Metrologie, Sisteme de masurare si ingineria calitatii, nr.1/2004, pag.82-86, Ed. Universitatii Pitesti, ISSN 1582-6023 
  •  “Senzor inteligent bazat pe nanotehnologii pentru determinarea concentratiei de monoxid de carbon”, Buletinul Stiintific al Universitatii din Pitesti, Seria Metrologie, Sisteme de masurare si ingineria calitatii, nr.1/2004, pag.132-140, Ed. Universitatii Pitesti, ISSN 1582-6023 
  • “Procese fizico-chimice care au loc la interactiunea dintre tesuturile umane vii traumatizate preparate chimice colagenice si ultrasunete”, Revista Chimie vol. 56, nr1, 2005 Βιογραφικό Σηµείωµα Γκανάτσιος Στέργιος © Ευρωπαϊκή Ένωση, 2002-2013 | https://europass.cedefop.europa.eu 
  • “Sudarea cu laser a unor oteluri inoxidabile utilizate la instalatiile de process din industria chimica”, Revista Chimie , vol. 56, nr 2, 2005 35. “Inoxidabile pentru imbunatatirea resiztentei la coroziune”, Revista de chimie Vol.56 , nr 2, 2005 36. “About of new method for Synchronizing control of an stretch-reducing mill” Buletinul Institutului Politehnic Iasi, Tomul LII (LVI), Fasc. 5A, 2006, Electrotehnica, Energetica, Electronica, pp.27- 33, ISSN 1223-8139 
  • “The Sensitivies in Automatic Systems Circuits Using the Relative Values”, Military Technical Academy, MTA Review No.2” Bucharest-Year XVI, 2006 
  •  “About the linearity of Thermocouples”, Session II Sensors Technology and Signals, pp.45-49, Editura Printech, Bucuresti, ISBN (10) 973-718-512-9 ISBN (13) 978-973-718-512-9 
  •  “Performances of a Waste Recycling Separator with Permanent Magnets”, Journal of Materials Processing Technology, (ISI), ISSN 0035-4066, Volume 181, Issues 1-3 , 1 January 2007, Pages 246-248 
  • “Utilizari ale instrumentelor cu interfata Ethernet in sistemele de achizitie de date”, Electrotehnica EEA 55/2007(p.36-40) 
  •  “Methods for power measurement in energy meters”, The scientific bulletin of electrical engineering faculty, year 8 No.2 (9), Valahia, 2008 
  •  “Data acquisition and assessment of the air pollution at urban background station”, The scientific bulletin of Electrical Engineering Faculty. (p.93-97) 2008 
  •  “Passive and active compensations for current transformers”, Metrologie, nr.4, 2008, Bucharest, pp. 5-10, ISSN 1220-546-x, (CNCSIS D) 
  •  “Laser mechatronic intelligent systems for measurement and integrated control with applications in industrial and metrological processes”, The Romanian Review Precision Mechanics, Optics & Mechatronics 33/2008(p.105-112) 
  •  “Production alignment of equipment and technology for micro/nanoprocessing at European and worldwide requirements and development tendencies”, The Romanian Review Precision Mechanics, Optics & Mechatronics 34/2008 
  • “Thermal Imaging Utilization for Analysis of Thermal Phenomena in High – Voltage Fuse-Links”, EEA Electrotehnica, Electronica, Automatica, vol.57, nr.1, ianuarie-martie 2009, pp.11-16, ISSN 1582-5175 47. “Integration of rapid prototyping in manufacturing process for mechatronic systems”, The Romanian Review Precision Mechanics, Optics & Mechatronics 35/2009 (p.113-118) 
  • “Methods and means for assessing the degree of air pollution and marine water”, PRINTECH, Bucharest, 2009 
  •  “Considerations on treating some fuel fluids in a magnetic field”, The Romanian Review Precision Mechanics, Optics & Mechatronics, 2010 
  •  “On the dynamic stability analysis for compliant gripper”, The Romanian Review Precision Mechanics, Optics & Mechatronics 40/2011, (p.172-174) 
  •  “CAD Analysis Applied to Self-Centering Compliant Grippers”, The Romanian Review Precision Mechanics, Optics & Mechatronics 40/2011 (p.290-293) 
  •  “Porosity-Mechanical Behaviour Correlation in Cranial Implants”, The Romanian Review Precision Mechanics, Optics & Mechatronics 39/2011(p.13-16) 
  • “Autonomous System of Vibro-Acoustic Monitoring of the Grinding Process to Increase the Quality of the Processed Parts”, Control Engineering and applied informatics. Vol. 13, 2011 (p. 14- Βιογραφικό Σηµείωµα Γκανάτσιος Στέργιος © Ευρωπαϊκή Ένωση, 2002-2013 | https://europass.cedefop.europa.eu 19) 
  •  “The Material's Temperature Influence on Absorption Degree of Laser Radiation in Technological Processes”, The Romanian Review Precision Mechanics, Optics & Mechatronics 39/2011 
  •  “Quantum analysis of microwave – mud interaction”, Journal of Environmental Protection and Ecology 14, No 1, pages 180 -186, 2013 
  •  “An innovate method for wastewater sludge drying”, Journal of Environmental Protection and Ecology 14, No 1, pp 196 -203, 2013 
  • “CAD Analysis Applied to Self – Centering Compliant Grippers”, Applied Mechanics and Materials, Vol. 325 – 326, pp. 305 – 309, 2013

ΕΠΙΚΟΙΝΩΝΙΑ : Γραφείο: Πανεπιστήμιο Δυτικής Μακεδονίας, Τμήμα Ηλεκτρολόγων Μηχανικών και Μηχανικών Υπολογιστών, Πανεπιστημιούπολη ΖΕΠ, Κοζάνη.
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